System of education and grading system

Bulgarian grading system:
6 = Excellent – outstanding performance
5 = Very good – above the average standard but with some errors
4 = Good – generally sound work with notable errors
3 = Satisfactory – fair but with significant shortcomings
2 = Fail – considerable further work is required
ECTS grading scale:
A = Excellent – outstanding performance with only minor errors
B = Very good – above the average standard but with some errors
C = Good – generally sound work with a number of notable errors
D = Satisfactory – fair but with significant shortcomings
E = Sufficient – performance meets the minimum criteria
FX = Fail – some more work required before the credit can be awarded
F = Fail – considerable further work is required

System of higher education
The Bulgarian system of higher education is open to all applicants who have a diploma for completed secondary education which makes them eligible to study at the universities in the country in which they have completed secondary education.

The curriculum of each programme includes compulsory, elective and optional courses. Opportunities for individually designed and integrated sets of courses are increasing, as are those for acquiring a degree with a major and a minor, or with two majors simultaneously. Distance education is about to be introduced at Sofia University. A growing variety of forms for teacher qualification and further education is also available.

Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski offers programmes for all three cycles of tertiary education: bachelors, masters and doctors.

FIRST DEGREE – a minimum of 4 years of study is required according to the regular curriculum. On completing the course, students are awarded a bachelor’s education and qualification degree. Sofia University’s 16 faculties offer 100 Bachelor’s degree programmes.

SECOND DEGREE – a minimum of 5 years of study after completion of secondary education or no less than one year after the acquisition of a bachelor’s degree. On completing the course, students are awarded a Master’s degree. Sofia University offers 399 master’s degree programmes.

THIRD DEGREE – the period of study is three years after completing a Master’s degree programme. The students graduating according to the curriculum are awarded a Doctoral degree.

Several programmes at Sofia University lead straight to a master’s degree after secondary education. These are Law, Slavic philology, Balkan studies, Medicine and Pharmacy.

Students at higher educational institutions can choose full-time, part-time, or distance courses.